

Webshop.xlsx and Webshop.txt

At Advanced export for output formats Webshop.xlsx and Webshop.txt an option "Standardized features only" has been added.
This option is off by default: only supplier features are exported.
When this option is selected: only the standardized features are included in the export.

Cleaning up

During Advanced export, for the output formats Webshop.xlsx and Webshop.txt, it could occur that a line unintentionally broke off and continued below it due to the use of certain characters (for example manual enters and tabs).
For some fields (such as specification fields), these types of characters (and more) were already cleaned up during night processing.
The following fields have now been added to these checks:
Read all the details on how cleanup works here.

Expired articles

Since the release of 17-3-2023, expired articles (with the exception of Buyer articles) that do not appear in any Artlink for 6 weeks are automatically cleaned. This taeks into account not only the most recent Artlink import but also all saved Artlink imports whose import reports are visible here.
This script will be extended in this release: also expired articles that have never been in an Artlink will be cleaned after 6 weeks.
It also happened that expired articles that still had old artlinks were cleaned. This has been corrected in this release.
Is it an explicit wish not to have your expired articles automatically deleted?
Contact us as soon as possible.
We will immediately adjust this setting for you so that your expired articles are preserved.


During the nightly synchronization of data from EZ-catalog to EZ-web an error occurred sometimes, where handling can take hours. In this release, steps have been taken to detect this error faster so that the rest of the nightly processing is not delayed.


In Advanced export, export format Artlink.txt can be selected. This is an inefficient format, that is why since the 21-4-2023 release, exporting has been limited so that an export in this format can never take much system time. However, this produced an unclear error when the Artlink.txt was exported from a scheduled task. As of this release, a neat error message appears in On-going tasks.

Related articles

For  Advanced export, output format Related Articles, an empty export was produced which was a result of an earlier release. That is now fixed.