


Price list information

In specific cases the price information in the webshop.xml version 3.0 and 3.1 was not always complete. This is resolved in this version.

Own classification

Wholesalers can classify supplier articles in an own classification.  With enhanced export these articles were only included in export format Webshop.xml 3.1.
From this version this is corrected for the following export formats:
If with enhanced export there was chosen for an own classification, the classification name was not always in the correct language. This is solved for the following export formats:


Synonyms can be added to each classification layer. These are alternative descriptions that for example can be used as extra keywords in your Webshops.
The synonyms that were connected to the EZ-base classification were not always exported correctly in the Webshop.xml versions 3.0 and 3.1. This is resolved in this version.

My selection

If a user still had articles in My selection this could not be removed. The removal of an article that still was present in My selection also gave problems. This is resolved.