


Advanced export

In Advanced export, from this release it is again possible to modify the supplier list for an existing exportset.

Web services

A certain web service can be used to export an article in a specified language. This web service returned results if a language was specified (in option lang) that was not set for this relation. From this release, this is no longer possible.

Order of classifications

Sometimes the order (position) was not unique in the database for both the EZ-base and the own classifications (of both supplier and wholesaler). As a result, the order in which the classifications were exported in EZ-web could be unpredictable. In this release, we ensure that each position is unique, following the order as visible in EZ-catalog.


In some cases, an error appeared when a supplier opens the Artlink overview (main menu at the top, Artlink, where suppliers can see which wholesalers have linked their articles). This is resolved in this release.

Night processing

During night processing, synchronisation identifies whether data has changed in EZ-catalog and needs to be passed on to EZ-web.
1. Most of this was already converted from separate hash files to storage in the database itself in the previous release. The last piece has been transferred in this release, so this can no longer cause problems.
2. The synchronization used to stop immediately if one article group ran into an error. As of this release, synchronization has become more "tolerant": article groups that run into error are logged but synchronization continues. Only if there are many errors, the entire synchronization will be aborted.

Downloading images

When downloading images, it could happen that an image in jpg format had the extension .png. This has been fixed in this release.

Relation names

In a number of places changes in relation names were not shown (such as in the Suppliers tab). As of this release, these changes are updated everywhere.


When determining "Missing price list articles" and "Missing available articles" in the dashboard, a case sensitive search on article number was performed. This produced incorrectly missing articles in both cases. This has been corrected in this release.
Also, the two buttons Chart display and Table display in the dashboard were no longer properly visible in the following tabs:
This has been fixed in this release.