



In this release the possibility is built in to prevent the publication of faulty or bad quality assets on EZ-web.
At first this will mainly be used for URLs. An URL can be invalid if, for example, the website of a supplier recently is adjusted and this is not yet processed in our database.
URLs will therefore be checked regularly from now on. Invalid URLs will not be shown anymore (for example in the Articledetailpage point 8) and will not be  exported anymore (in for example export format webshop.xml version 3.1).


Wholesalers import from their ERP-system Artlink-files in EZ-web. Herewith links are made between article numbers of the wholesalers and the supplier.
To create this link, searching is done in several ways in EZ-web (matchingcycly).
These links can be made with our enriched article data. A link can also be made with pricelist data, but these are less extensive: they contain no images and are not classified.
In this release the order of the matching is adjusted, due to that qualitative better links are made with our enriched article data. Only if there are no links made from this, there will be matched with the pricelist data.

Product tab page

The use of the classification buttons on the product tab page sometimes resulted in the message: “An error occured while processing your request”. This error is resolved in this release.