

Empty trash

A deleted article is placed in the trash can. Currently, when the system is busy, it can be difficult to empty the trash can. Furthermore, sometimes unknown errors occurred when importing articles because there are still old articles in the trash can. Therefore, starting from this release, all trash cans are automatically emptied during nightly processing. 
As of this release, a deleted article is therefore only in the trash for a maximum of one day.


An unknown error occurred when performing the pre-check if the “Partial import” option was unchecked. This is fixed in this release.


Since the previous release, it was no longer possible to use the Asset button
per Article (group) to modify the value of an asset
because this could cause various errors at other places in the system for image, icon or logo.
But these errors did not occur after modifying URLs. Therefore, from this release it is again possible to modify categories of the asset type URL.