

Default language
In this release, additional preparations are made to use languages other than Dutch as standard language in EZ-web.

Tab Certificates

- Occasionally too many suppliers were visible. In this release this is adjusted, so that only those suppliers are visible to which the logged in user is authorised.
- An untranslatable article description was shown. In this release it is replaced by the ERP description.

Evening and night processing

Various processes take place both in the evening and at night. Changes made in EZ-catalog are synchronised with EZ-web. To ensure that these processes run as smoothly as possible, it is undesirable for other tasks, such as a manual Artlink import and catalogue selection import, to be started simultaneously. Therefore, from this release, the import buttons are disabled during this processing.

Running tasks

From now on the status date will be shown as the start date in Ongoing tasks.

Normalised features

If an article is assigned to another article group, it could happen that the old normalised characteristics were wrongly taken over. This code is corrected in this release.


From now on:
1. it will only be possible to perform a full Artlink import. Therefore, the option "Always process completely" under Scheduled tasks is no longer available. Also, all options on the manual Artlink import screen are removed.
2. more Artlinks will be cleaned. Also all Artlinks are removed from inactive relations. This occasionally resulted in empty logos in the linked relations area in the article detail page:

Display prices

From this release, both the article detail page and the ERP list will use the Anglo-Saxon display for prices (including the dot as the decimal point), if the user interface language English is selected.
