



When searching the various tabs, a search term had to contain 3 characters or more. A search with 1 or 2 characters was considered as a wrong search and no results were displayed.
From this release, this restriction no longer applies. Searches with few characters now return many results. Therefore, enter as many characters as possible or filter within the search query.
For example: searching for article number 86 05 180 T will return the article with this article number, but also hundreds of other articles containing 86, 05, 180 and T (both in the article number, GTIN, features, values, units, specification field, etc.). Subsequent filtering refines the search result to 4 articles.



Using Web services, exports can be performed in various output formats.
1. This can also include export settings. The two options (c and cid) to specify the own classification did not work.
2. When requesting a related article export for an article or article group, this ends in an error 500.
This is fixed in this release.

Advanced export

These 3 points are solved in this release.

Night processing

During night processing, a determination is made during synchronization whether data has changed in EZ-catalog and needs to be transferred to EZ-web. This was done using a separate hash file. This occasionally caused problems, so from this release, most of this is stored in the database itself.