

Sequence by own classification

In EZ-catalog, within an own classification, the desired order of the classification levels and article groups can be set within level 4.
If in EZ-web under the tab page Product, own classification is chosen  under Filter, this order will be shown from now on.

Cleaning up text formatting

In the previous release, the text formatting in the commercial (specification) text was cleaned up, among other things.
In this release, two small points are addressed:

Own article number

It was possible to enter an article number for each article in EZ-web trhought the Article detail page. This way of managing your own article number has been discouraged for years because this manual entry was cleared with every ArtLink import. As of this release, this functionality has been removed: an own article number can only be added through an ArtLink.

Editing features

In EZ-web, a wholesaler was able to adjust the standardised features. The optimal management of their own features required a lot of manual work and has therefore been discouraged for years. As of this release, this functionality has been discontinued.