


There are two statuses in the system to indicate whether an article is active or expired. When an article group is set to expired, sometimes only one of these two statuses were updated which caused inconsistency in the system. This is resolved in this release.

Import and export translations

In certain cases the import and export of translations could take a very long time. An adjustment has been made for this which has speed this up considerably in this release.

Move features to specification

If the values for a feature are the same for all articles within an article group, you can choose to add this feature to the specification field
However if, due to modifications within the group, the values are no longer equal, the system will automatically correct this. But in te article import only active articles were looked at and not expired articles. As a result, features with unequal values could remain in the specification field. This is fixed in this release.

Related articles

Importing related articles could produce an unknown error if there were very many related articles attached to one article. This is resolved in this release.

Formatting status

Previously, if an Article import took place and the Group ID column was filled (with which the group formation can be determined via the import) the status was always set to To formalize/Not confirmed.  But that it is not necessary if nothing changes to the group formation after the import. This is changed in this release.

Processor and memory usage

In this release, certain settings are changed which reduces processor and memory usage of the EZ-catalog application. This also reduces the energy consumption.
Duplicate assets
Previously it was possible to use the Asset button per Article (group)
to adjust the value of an asset.
However, this caused several errors in other places in the system.
Therefore, as of this release, it is no longer possible to rename an asset at this location.
The method recommended to adjust a value:
1. Using an article export and import
Please feel free to contact us for any questions regarding this.

Article import

During an article import, the following error code used to appear if both HeaderHidden and HeaderInSpec were set to Y: “Feature cannot be hidden and at the same time be moved to specification. ”.
The system can deal with this combination, this error code was “too strict” and therefore this combination will no longer produce an error code starting from this release.