

Preferred Supplier

The use of Preferred Suppliers can have a major impact on nightly processing and article availability on EZ-web.
Therefore, as of this release, the following has been temporarily disabled:
1. Management, Preferred Suppliers: no longer accessible in it's entirety.
2. Management, User groups, open an existing user group: the preferred suppliers drop-down list is disabled.
3. Administration, User groups, New user group: the Preferred suppliers drop-down list is disabled.
4. Management, User groups, Delete: a user group can be deleted only if no preferred suppliers is selected.
Please contact EZ-base if adjustments to preferred suppliers are needed, we will assist you with this.
Due to expected adjustments in nightly processing, we assume that disabling Preferred suppliers will be temporary.

Article Group

In Article group since the previous release it was not always possible to access the Inactive article screen if there were expired articles. This has now been fixed.


In the workflow, searching by type did not always work correctly. This is improved in this release.


Importing features in the Article importer is case sensitive. But in the Precheck this distinction was not always made correctly. This is solved in this release.