

In this release, the Webservice has been improved: bugs have been solved and functionality has been added.
Existing Webservices will continue to work as before.

Added functionality:

(read the Webservice documentation for full details)
In the past, the Webservices "Export ERP list" and "Export article or article group" only had output format Webshop.xml version 3.0.
From this release onwards, the following output formats can be selected (see Advanced exports for an explanation of the various formats):
- Asset.xlsx
- Asset.txt
- Campaigns (the result of the Webservice is a link to IJzersterk where the selection can be used to create a campaign)
- Publications (the result of the Webservice is a link to the Publicatieportal where the selection can be published)
- Related articles
- Webshop.xlsx
- Webshop.txt
- Webshop.xml version 3.0
- Webshop.xml version 3.1
As of this release, it is also possible to specify the desired export settings (options) for the output formats referred to in point 1, with which the content of the files can be influenced. For example, you can indicate that your own classification must be used in the webshop.xml version 3.1. Or that you also want to see expired articles in the webshop.xlsx.
A new basic parameter is available: "lang". Previously, the language of the logged in user was always chosen for the selection of articles (groups) and the display of the result of the web services. Now, this parameter can be used to specify the desired language. If the parameter is not given, the default language of the relation of the logged in user will apply. It is advisable to always include this parameter so that the result of the web service does not depend on the language setting of the relation of the logged in user.
Two more new basic parameters: "articleid" and "articlegroupid". These replace the old parameter "id" (which, although discouraged, can still be used), which depending on the export type either searched for Article id or ArticleGroup id. The new parameters are clearer to use as they only have one meaning. Moreover, the new parameters allow searching on both id's, so that the Webservice can deliver more results.
Here are some examples of the new functionality being used (due to authorization differences, examples may not work):
The result of this Webservice is a downloadable file in the output format Webshop.xml version 3.1 in which all articles from the ERP list are included in Dutch, including normalised characteristics, even when it concerns expired articles.
The result of this Webservice is a downloadable xml-file in the output format Webshop.xml version 3.1 in which the article with GTIN 8718326007062 is included in English including normalised attributes with only one classification level.
The result of this Webservice is a downloadable Excel file in the output format Webshop.xlsx containing the article group with articlegroupid=1667818.

Fixed bugs:

The price list section <ProductDetailPrices> was completely missing from the Webshop.xml version 3.0 when calling
https://www.ez-catalog.nl/WebService/ExportList/Export/ (Export ERP list)
but will be included from this release onwards. 
Sometimes delivered
https://www.ez-catalog.nl/WebService/Export/Webshopxml3/ArticleGroup/?... (Export article group)
a webshop.xml version 3.0 with only a classification in it. As of this release, the xml will be filled with the entire article group of the found article.  
It could also happen that
https://www.ez-catalog.nl/WebService/Export/Webshopxml3/ArticleGroup/?... (Export article group)
yielded no results at all while the article was found. From this release onwards, a filled xml will be returned with the entire article group of the found article.
When searching on GTIN and several articles were found, the following Web services did not work:
- https://www.ez-catalog.nl/WebService/Article/?... (Open article page)
- https://www.ez-catalog.nl/WebService/Export/Webshopxml3/Article/?... (Export article)
- https://www.ez-catalog.nl/WebService/Export/Webshopxml3/ArticleGroup/?... (Export article group)
- https://www.ez-catalog.nl/WebService/ArticleAsset/ImageFullSize/?... (Show me pictures of an article)
From this release onwards, if there are several articles in the search result, one will be selected. Which article is selected depends on who has entered the article. The priority is as follows:
1.     The article that the person requesting the export has entered him/herself
2.     The item entered by the applicant's data supplier.
3.     The item entered by a supplier.
4.     The item entered by a manufacturer.
5.     The item imported by a purchasing group/wholesaler
In all Webservices in which Basic parameters can be used, the parameter mode=x did not always work as intended. This has been corrected in this release.
Download page
By choosing Settings, Download EZ-catalog a page will be opened with which the application of EZ-catalog can be downloaded. This page has been renewed.
Also, on this page there is now a link to the most common causes for installation problems.
Scheduled tasks
When creating a scheduled export, use can be made of the button Control connection. In some cases, this button did not work. This is solved in this release
Catalogue selection import
If a catalogue selection is read in where the ExportSelection column is too long then the import failed. In this release a clearer error code will be created for this.
Print proof
It could happen that a (personalized) proof sheet failed because there are bullets in the commercial text below the article table specification footer which are not neatly converted in the cleanup process during the nightly processing. This is solved in this release.
Export price lists
When exporting price lists, from this release onwards, if the user environment language English is selected, the Anglo-Saxon view will be used for prices and numbers (with a.o. a dot as decimal point).
The certificates tab also showed articles with inactive certificates. From the this release on, these will no longer be shown.
Article detail page
A commercial text can be shown both above and below the article lines (specification header and footer). On the article group page the footer is visible under the article table, but was not yet on the article detail page. This is change in this release.

Artlink import

Since the previous release, in specific cases it could happen that after importing an Artlink, the language was changed for certain exports. As of this release, this has been resolved.


1. It occasionally happened that the export of all dashboards failed.
2. The Translations tab should always be visible if multiple languages are available. This was not always the case. 
Both problems have been solved in this release.