

The following adjustments are expected to be realised in the next release.

Dashboard and data evaluation.

Currently, expired articles are included in the dashboard. This can have an undesirable effect on the data evaluation. As of the next release, this will no longer be the case.


Searching with a search term containing a “/” or “+” currently does not always return the desired result. This will be resolved in the next release.


The headings in the artlink.txt import and export contain Dutch column headings.
This will be changed to English column headings in two steps:
1. In the next release, the English column headings as well as Dutch will be allowed in the artlink.txt import. For the artlink.txt export, the English column headings will be used immediately. 
2. In the following release the Dutch column headings will no longer be allowed when importing an artlink.txt.
This way we offer our relations with a (planned) artlink.txt import the possibility to switch to the English column headers between these two releases.
Furthermore, there is currently no clear error message if the allowed file size is exceeded when importing a scheduled artlink. In the next release this will be improved.
Last adjustment regarding Artlink in the next release: currently expired articles (except Wholesaler articles) that have not (anymore) appeared in any Artlink for 6 weeks are automatically deleted, even if they still appear in a price list. This will be changed because an expired article that still appears in a price list may be wrongly on this status.

Language flags

Currently it is less visible which language flag is selected. A change will take place in the next release that will make this clearer.

Nightly processing

During nightly processing it is determined whether data has changed in EZ-catalog and needs to be transferred to EZ-web.
1. This synchronization occasionally runs into an error that sometimes causes the synchronization process not to run completely. This will be improved in the next release reducing the chance of this happening.
2. An adjustment will be made which will speed up the synchronization.