



In the filtering on the product tab page the following items are adjusted:

Publication portal

An alteration has been made to maintain current response time in our Publicationportal. Read here how product sheets and flyers can be published directly from EZ-web.

Catalogue selection import

With exporting it's possible to import an own selection.
Certain errors that can occur with importing have a more clear description in from this release on.


With exporting webshop.xml version 3.0 and 3.1 all price list data was exported regardless of the language. From this release on the selected language is beïng accounted for as shown at the red arrowde rode pijl.

Feature icon

From this release on feature icons with 4 letter extensions are displayed correctly (for example: weight.tiff).


A description can be added to the images of an article (group). From this release on these descriptions are visible as the mouse hovers above the image:
This also applies to an icon of a feature: here the description of the feature is shown as the mouse hovers above the concerning feature.