

Available defined standardised features
EZ-base defines per classification what the most important standardised features are: the defined standardised features. It is important that suppliers supply these defined features. For this reason, a new percentage was added to the Dashboard some time ago: Available defined standardised features. This figure is now filled in everywhere and shows at a glance the extent to which a supplier complies with the delivery of the defined features.


It is possible to transfer articles from the ERP list to the own ERP software system by means of a link (soap-request).
There were already web services to add an article to the ERP list and to export this list.
A new web service has been added to empty the ERP list.
Read all about this new web service in paragraph 2.2.2.
Opening article page
It could happen that when calling the web service that opens an article page (https://www.ez-catalog.nl/WebService/Article/...) no result was returned even though the logged in user was authorised to see this article. This is solved in this release. Read more about this webservice here.


It still occasionally happened that the export of all dashboards failed. In this release, this process has again been speeded up, so that even at busier times of the day, this export can be made without running into a time-out.

Double and empty features

Occasionally, double and empty features would be shown and exported in EZ-web for an article. This has been solved as of this release.


Currencies other than the euro are also correctly displayed in EZ-web from this release:

Language dependant assets

It is possible to specify language dependent assets: a certain image or url will then only be shown and exported for the selected language.
This cannot be read in with an import, but can only be set per asset using a pull-down menu. This is very labour intensive and is therefore in principle not recommended. Nevertheless, suppliers do use it. Since the last release, these language dependent assets were no longer shown and exported correctly. This has been solved in this release.

Advanced export

With advanced export this:
should give the same selection as this:
Since the previous release, this sometimes produced a different result. This has been solved in this release.
For more explanation about the possibilities of extended export click here.

Personalised output formats

In this release, a small change has been made to the calling of personalised output formats.
Read here about the possibilities of customising a standard output format.