



Two points are improved at the Pre-check:
1. If the same column name occurs more than once, the Pre-check returned an unknown error. In this release, a clear error message appears.
2. It happens that changes to the database were not coloured yellow in the second tab of the Pre-check. From now on, the changes are coloured yellow again, making them easy to find.

Article import

During an article import, an unknown error occurred if the relation name ended in a space followed by a close parenthesis: this had to do with a pathname that could not handle this properly. This is fixed in this release.
Differences list
When exporting articles, the option "Catalogue/price list differences list" can be selected.
In this list, some things are changed in this release:
1. It is only possible to request the differences list with the option "Including expired articles" on.
2. In the green rows (articles only in the price list), ArticleDescription from the price list are no longer be placed in Article name but in ERP description. This is because ArticleDescription is a unique description per article and therefore fits better in the ERP description.
The CbsNumber from the price list is also placed in CBS number in the differences list (earlier this value was not adopted).
3. The red rows included all articles that were not in the price list. From now on, only articles that are not expired are coloured red: for articles already set to expired, no action generally needs to be taken.
4. New are the orange rows for articles which appear in both the article table and a price list but are not active: this may be incorrect and will have to be checked.
5. Sorting was by article number but from this release it is by colour (orange, red, green, uncoloured) and within that by article number. This way, the checkpoints are directly at the top.

Translated article import

When reading the Translated article import, the following issues will be resolved in the next release:


The existing check on the E-mail field when managing users no longer suited current requirements. From this release, the control is therefore enlarged.