


Additional assets

From now on all links under Additional assets on the article (group)page will be opened in a new tab page (previously the completion could differ).
If possible a vidoe on the article page will be displayed embedded.

Transparant images

In EZ-web many images (photos, drawings, logos, icons) can be found. With the help of certain exports, these images can be requested for the need of own web shop or catalogue. There are many formats available that previously only were requestable as .jpg. In this release the (transparent) formats .png and .gif are added.
An image can for example be requested as jpg in a thumbnail format (130 x 98):
But if a high resolution quality is needed, then replace ImageThumbnail with ImageFullSize (1000 x 1000):
Both examples can now also be requested as .png or .gif:
Curious about all available sizes? Click here for more elaborate information. 
Note: provided images that are not transparent can be requested as .png or .gif but will not be transparent.

Advanced export

If an export is made through advanced export, a previously saved Exportset can be chosen:
One of the settings that is saved in an export set is the chosen classification, but with the Export settings the EZ-base classification was always shown. This is resolved in this release: Classification is now filled with the with this export set saved classification.

Webshop.xml version 3.1

In the export format Webshop.xml version 3.1 the following corrections are made:
It could occur that these icons were not mentioned correctly in the xml.

Importering Artlink

In the Artlink import process, several alterations have been made: the proces can now be monitored and managed more efficiently by EZ-base. Furthermore the import process in the area of empty classifications has been improved.

Preferred supplier

Per user group preferred suppliers can be secured: users from this group only see these suppliers. With showing of price lists it occured that these suppliers weren't taken into account. This is resolved now. 

My selection

The articles in My selection under Export are now displayed in the chosen language.

Related articles

The error with enlisting an article with lots of related articles has been resolved.