

Embed publications

It was already possible to embed Publications available on EZ-web on their own website.
From this release it is possible to have links in an embedded publication automatically redirected via EZ-web to a URL to be determined by the embedding party.
In the case of this referral, article data such as the article number of the supplier or an article number that is linked via the Artlink can be given to the URL from EZ-web.
For example, a specialist retailer may embed a publication of a supplier on its own website, and if a link is clicked in that publication, the article will be looked up in the specialist retailer's webshop.
This release also includes the possibility to choose different interface layout styles
This is an additional service but the functionality can always be tested using a preview. Want to know more? Please contact EZ-base.

Own publications

The own publication was not always visible, for example due to authorizations on the Publications tab. In this release this has been made possible, so the own publications can always be checked and embedded on the own website.

Publication errors

A number of errors have been resolved regarding the availability of the publications in other languages and when used outside EZ-web.


It could happen that the export of all dashboards failed. In this release this process has been accelerated so that even at busier times of the day this export can be made without running into a time-out.

Import catalogue selection

When importing a catalogue selection with duplicate own part numbers, other lines in the import file were incorrectly rejected with the following error message: "The own part number x occurs several times". This has been changed.


The login screen was always in Dutch. As of this release, this screen will be shown in the browser language if it is set in Dutch, Flemish, English or French.