


Data evalution

This release added the Data evaluation, which expresses the quality of supplier data in stars, with 5 stars being the maximum achievable. The data evaluation therefore makes it possible to see the quality of the data at a glance from now on. To arrive at an objective evalution, a number of subjects have been defined. For each subject, an evaluation is calculated for a supplier's data. The subjects can be found in the dashboard. The weighted average of all subjects ultimately forms the evaluation for the supplier data. Subjects that absolutely must not be missing will weigh more heavily than those considered less important.
Read all about the data evaluation here.
Please note: it may take some time before all data evalutions are displayed correctly after the release is rolled out due to the many calculations that will take place.
The evaluation is visible to all relations on the Suppliers tab and has also been added to the Dashboard export.
Previously, only the suppliers and purchasing organizations were visible on this tab if the logged-in user was authorised to see (a selection of) items from these parties.
That changes as of this release: suppliers and purchasing organizations for which there is no authorisation are now also visible. However, these tiles are light grey and it is not possible to open the dashboard.
They also do not appear in the exports under the Export button.
From this release onwards, suppliers can also be sorted in several ways:
The data evaluation of all suppliers for which the user is authorised can be exported (horizontally: one line per supplier):
Read all about this export here. This page also explains in detail how the data evaluation is calculated.
For each data evaluation subject, the export contains various fields through which the calculation of the total data evaluation is established.
The main purpose of this export, together with the technical settings, is to understand the data evaluation calculations.


The evaluation is also visible in the Dashboard at the top right:
Two new exports have been added under the Export button:
This advisory report lists all goals. If all goals are achieved, the supplier's data is evaluatied with the maximum score: 5 stars.
Under "goals NOT achieved" all areas for improvement are listed. The goal with which the evaluation can be increased the most is at the top. It is a logical step for the supplier to start working on this first. Click on the question mark behind the line for an explanation but especially the step-by-step plan to achieve the goal.
Other changes in the dashboard:
- the percentage behind "Unique ERP description" was not always correct.
- the "Total number of articles PIM" in a language other than the standard language of the supplier was not always be correct.
This is resolved in this release.
Furthermore, a number of fields have been added in the dashboard for the purpose of data evaluation:
- in the General tab




Empty and incorrect Url's causes exports of certain output formats (Asset.txt, Asset.xlsx, Webshop.txt and Webshop.xlsx) to fail during Advanced Export.
From this release onwards, these empty and incorrect Url's will no longer be synchronised from EZ-catalog to EZ-web.
Suppliers can check which Assets are not synchronised to EZ-web by exporting the Assets in EZ-catalog: in the IsActive column "N" will appear after the relevant asset. 


If a filter such as Brand and Type wasselected with an & sign, an error message occurred. This is improved in this release.

ERP list

When an article is not available in the language the logged in user has set as user interface language, this article was still listed in the ERP-list. In this release only articles will be shown in the ERP-list which are available in the chosen language.


In on-going tasks, the date displayed in the Status column was not always Anglo-Saxon (with "/") if the user interface language is set to English. This is fixed in the next release.

Scheduled tasks

A scheduled task that exports one of the new output formats such as Webshop.xlsx showed in the column Additional information: "Format: (unknown)". In this release, the correct format descriptions is shown here. 

Embedding publications

It is possible to embed Publications available on EZ-web in one's own website.
The HTML embedding code did not always contain the correct language, which means that a request in a language other than the standard language of the relation did not always went smoothly. This is solved in this release.