
After submitting the article data and assets, the articles need to be put in the correct classification. This EZ-base article classification will be displayed in web sites/web shops. EZ-base will also provide the articles with standardized features, in case the supplier has submitted features. These features will be used by the wholesalers to be able to actively filter articles in their web environment. By doing so, suppliers’ data can be found uniformly.
There are two possible ways to modify the classification for own use:
Keep the default EZ-base classification including the name, but add an own title, description and body text.
This can be done in the screen below by right clicking the right classifcation level and select Properties. Find the screen that will open here.
Suppliers and wholesalers can add multiple own classifications and add article groups to these own classifications.
Importing an own classification can be found in the Assortment tab -> Classification -> Import own classification.
Find matching articles to the own classification here.
Synonyms and metadata for the own classification can be imported under tab Assortment -> Classification -> Import synonyms
In addition to importing the own classification, it can also be modified in the screen below. To do so, right click the right classification level. Below this is explained (point 5).
Own classifications of wholesalers can also be managed using the ArtLink.
The screen below will open when selecting the Assortment tab -> 'Classifications' -> 'Management'.

Import own classification button

1. Import own classification button
Please find more information here.

Export classification button

2. Export classification button
Please find more information here.

Import synonyms

3. Import synonyms
Please find more information here.


4. Classifications
EZ-base classification
In this application you will find the EZ-base classification. It consists of four layers. Articles can be submitted in a classification at fourth level only.
Own classification
Both suppliers and wholesalers can add one or more own classifications.
One of these own classifications can be appointed default classification by finding the default classification on the left and right-click to select 'Make default classification'.
This default classification will be shown first.
Only the default classification can be used by EZ-base members to filter in EZ-web.
Create Own classification
A new Own classification can be made by right mouse clicking on "Own classification".
Choose "New classification". Give this new classification a name.
After this, the own classification can be imported (see point 1).
All own classification can be selected in EZ-web for exporting different formats.
Find more information on adjusting the displayed order within a classification here.

Right mouse button options

5. Right mouse button options
This will delete the selected classification level.
New chapter
This will add a new layer underneath the selected classification level.

Adjust sequence

6. Adjust sequence
The order of the classification levels can be changed by dragging a classification level to the desired position:
Click here for an explanation of how to change the displayed order of article groups within a classification level.