
Import article classification

In case an own classification is submitted at 'Import own classification', a file can be submitted including an article record related to the own classification. Find the own classification article file here. This function is designed to easily import a complete export from your own ERP system of your own article classification into EZ-catalog.
NB: the file needs to contain a full import. Even in case only one article with an own classification needs to be added, also all existing articles need to be included in the import.
Import article classification can be found in the Assortment tab -> 'Import article classification'.
Import article classification

Own classification

1. Own classification
Using this pull down menu, a selection can be made out of the available own classifications. The file that is imported will be submitted in the own classification that is selected here.

Select and import file button

2. Select and import file button
This button allows you to search for the correct file and import it.


3. Close
Close the screen.