
Import related articles

By providing articles with related articles it is possible to support the wholesaler with the right product advise. Example: with a planng machine it is good to also advise a guard rail.
The relations can manually manage related articles per article. But related articles can also be supplied with the help of a file that can be imported in EZ-catalog.
Here an example with the format description.
Find an explanation and solution for the errors that might occur during an import here.
The articles can first be exported so the actual content of the database can be edited and afterwards be imported.
Please note that the colomn RelationType has to be imported in the default language of the concerning relation that imports the file (usually Dutch).
Related articles can be imported in the 'Assortment' tab page -> Import related articles
Import related articles

Partial import

1. Partial import
'Partial import' checked (standard option):
A part of the related articles is imported.
For every related article that occurs in the partial import is searched in EZ-catalog if this article number is already occuring.
If this isn't the case, the related article is added in EZ-catalog.
Is the related article presenti n EZ-cataog, than the data from the article import is being used to edit this article in EZ-catalog.
'Partial import' not checked:
This is a full import.
With a full import, first all existing relatied articles will be deleted. Subsequentially the related articles from the import are added.

Select and file import button

2. Select and file import button
With this button the to be imported file can be loaded from the working station that is being used by the user.

Close button

3. Close button
Close window.