
Export related articles

With help of this screen all related articles from this relation can be exported from EZ-catalog. This file can subsequently be edited and imported.
Click here for an example file
The following columns are added in this export as information (these columns will be generated with the import):
The related articles in the export are sorted by ArticleNumber and there within by Position.
With less than 50.000 lines, filters are activated instantly (with more lines this is too time consuming, it is better to do this manually afterwards).
Export related articles


1. Language
In this drop down are all data languages that are available for the concerning relation. One can choose the language in which the descriptive columns will be shown:
  • ArticleName
• ERPDescription
• RelatedArticleName
• RelatedERPDescription
These columns will be generated whith the import: with this import the descriptions cannot be translated.
When there is no translation for a column available, the column cell will e left empty.
NOTE: also column RelationType is exported here in the chosen language. However: with the import it is obligatory to import this column in the default language (ususally Dutch). If the export is being used to edit and import afterwards: choose to export in the default language.


2. Format
The related articles will be exported to an Excel-file. For an example of an exported file click here.

Export button

3. Export button
With this button the export is started. The export will be downloaded to you own working station.

Sluiten knop

4. Sluiten knop
Close window.