FTP server

EZ-base uses an FTP server to exchange (data) files with its relations. This is mainly used for scheduled import and export tasks.
If an FTP account is needed, or if the login details are no longer known, please request these via My EZ-base (use My.ez-base.co.uk for the UK). The required data will then be provided as soon as possible.
If this does not work, please contact EZ-base.
Information about our FTP server:
Hostnaam: ftps://ftp.ez-catalog.nl
IP adress:
Note: we strongly recommend always working with the host name. However, the IP address may be required, for example, for the whitelist of your firewall.
Supported protecols:
port 22 (or 2222 if 22 is unavailable)
port 990
Note: the port used must be open in your firewall.
The following folders are default available:
The scheduled  ArtLink import task will pick up the supplied ArtLink import from this folder.
If the artlink import fails, the file is renamed: Failed is added in the name.
Also, the failed artlink is automatically validated using an xsd (similar to this xsd) checking if the xml is correct.
The result of this validation is in a file with the same name as the failed artlink import with "_Validation.log" added to it.
Find here for the most common causes when the ArtlLink import fails.
The scheduled export task will put the scheduled exports here.
Can be used to deliver other data files than the ArtLink (e.g. Article imports).
Can be used to deliver assets.
Find here all information about the available reports in this folder.
System folder, reserved for future use.
System folder, which will be removed in time.