
Create/edit scheduled tasks

In this screen you can create or edit a scheduled task.
Scheduled tasks can be created in EZ-web, under Tasks -> Scheduled tasks and subsequently click 'create new task'.
Scheduled tasks can be edited in EZ-web, under Tasks -> Scheduled tasks and subsequently click 'edit'.
Two kinds of tasks can be scheduled:
1. Web export
2. ArtLink import

Web export


Create/edit scheduled tasks

Please find general information about Exports here.
Web export
Name/export set
A pull down menu offers the available export sets. An export set can be created in Advanced export: it contains an article selection and export settings.
Determine whether the task should be executed daily, weekly or monthly.
EZ-base (standard)
The web-export will be placed on the ftp-server of EZ-base. For file exchange between EZ-base and your network EZ-base will have to create an ftp-account. For all information about our FTP server and how to request login details: click here
See second screen example.
The web-export can also be placed on a by you desired location. Please contact EZ-base for the possiblities and extra settings needed.
Points of focus: 
  • File path can never be empty. The has to be at least a forward slash ('/') (if a file has to be delivered in the 'root').
  • Always test the connection after adding a scheduled task: choose in the overview Scheduled tasks for 'Edit' and subsequently for the button 'Test connection' at the bottom right.
Export specific options
Standard empty. Only fill this in consultation with EZ-base if there are special demands concerning the Web-export. Contact EZ-base for the posibilities.
File name
Enter the preferred file name of the web export.
Note: make sure the file name is unique if there are multiple scheduled tasks (regardless of destination).
After completion, select Save.

ArtLink import

Please find general information about ArtLinks here.
ArtLink import
Name/export set
Enter a name of your choice. The scheduled task can be found in the scheduled tasks overview by this name.
Determine whether the task should be executed daily (strongly reccomended), weekly or monthly.
For an automatic daily ArtLink import goes:
File name
Here enter the exact name of the ArtLink file to be imported. This must be the same name every time. In order to transfer a file from your network environment to our platform, EZ-base needs to set up an ftp account. For all information about our FTP server and how to request login details: click here
Subsequently select Save.