This tab page contains general information about this supplier.
It gives a total overview of this supplier regardless of autoriations for the logged in user.
It is possible that stated articles are not visible due to autorizations in EZ-web. It can happen that a supplier offers a Dutch and French price list, but the logged in user doesn't see any price list.
With this button the dashboard data can be exported. The result can be viewed in On-going tasks.
From this screen the dashboard data will always be exported vertically. Click here for an example.
It is also possible to export the dashboard data horizontally. Go to Suppliers.
 Dashboard text
Dashboard text that can be managed by the supplier in Profile.
If there are more than 5 lines a 'read more' appears: if you click it the full dashboard text will be shown.
 Web site
The suppliers web site. Contact EZ-base if this has to be altered.
 E-mail address
General e-mail address of supplier. Contact EZ-base if this has to be altered.
 Data available for
The countries for which this supplier provides data in EZ-base.
 Customer since
The start date at which this supplier joined EZ-base.
 Last article import
The date of the last partial or complete article import in EZ-catalog.
Please note: a supplier can keep his data up-to-date in several ways. An outdated article import date therefore does not always mean that a supplier does not maintain the data properly: it can also be managed per article in EZ-catalog.
 Available article (group)s
The article groups and articles that are available for the logged in user in EZ-web in the selected data language (excluding expired articles).. This can be less article groups that the total number of articles PIM (see below) because the supplier has article groups in maintenance in EZ-catalog that have not yet been taken in production.
 Available defined standardised characteristics
EZ-base defines per classification what the most important standardised characteristics are: the defined standardised characteristics.
This percentage reflects the extent to which the defined characteristics have been standardised at this supplier.
Unlike the rest of the dashboard, this does include expired articles for technical reasons.
 Total number of articles PIM
Total number of articles with rich data as they are present in EZ-catalog (the PIM system = Product Information Management system) in the chosen language (excluding expired articles).
This can be more articles than the articles available in EZ-web. See Available article groups for the explanation.
 Total number of unique articles in price list
The total number of unique articles that occur in price lists in the selected language. An article can for example occur in a two Dutch price lists, but will only be counted once for this number.
This number can be bigger than the total number of articles PIM: the supplier has not provided extended article information for all articles from his price list.
 Own classification
Yes: the supplier has an own classification. This own classification can for instance be used with exporting and filtering on the product tab page.
No: the supplier does not have an own classification.
 Related articles
No: the supplier does not have related articles.
 Price lists
Summary of the languages in which the price list is available. If there is no price list available 'Not present' is stated'.
Summary of the languages in which a browsable publication is available. If there is browsable publication available 'Not present' is stated'.