
Upload assets

In 'Upload assets' you can renew existing assets in EZ-base.
Assets can be uploaded in the System management tab and subsequently the 'Upload assets' button.
Upload assets

System management tab

1. System management tab
In the ‘System management’ tab you can manage assets.

Upload assets button

2. Upload assets button
Using this button you will open the 'Upload assets' field.

Upload assets field

3. Upload assets field
Upload missing files only
Unchecked: all assets are uploaded, also existing asset are renewed (default option). Assets where the name is the same but the extension is different are also uploaded (for example: image1.jpg is now in the database and image1.png is uploaded, it will replace image.jpg).  It must be an extension that belongs to the asset type. For example, a jpg cannot be replaced by a pdf. 
Checked: only new assets are uploaded (in Assets export, Exists is set to N: no file is present).
Select files
Here images can be selected from the own network environment.
Physically transfer the selected files.
Number of simultaneous uploads
This number determines the burden on the own desktop.

Upload report

4. Upload report
Here you download the upload report of the uploaded assets. After downloading an Excel file can be opened. This file contains two sheets, a sheet with the report of the uploaded assets and a sheet with the unmatched files.