In this screen all user information can be submitted to add a new user. Also, information can be modified in this screen.
You can add or edit user information in the Management tab -> 'Users' -> Add user or double click a user.
NB: the fields that are marked red are mandatory.
![1](img/drex_bullet_1.png) User name
Enter the user name for the new user here. NB: this must always consist of a valid e-mail address. It will be used logging on to both EZ-web and EZ-catalog.
More than 50 positions is forbidden.
![2](img/drex_bullet_2.png) User group
Select the user group to which the new user will be added here.
![3](img/drex_bullet_3.png) Add new user groep
![4](img/drex_bullet_4.png) Surname
Enter the name of the new user here.
![5](img/drex_bullet_5.png) Infix
Enter an infix here (optional)
![6](img/drex_bullet_6.png) Last name
Enter the name of the new user here.
![7](img/drex_bullet_7.png) Status
The user status must be 'Active' to let him work in EZ-catalog and EZ-web.
![8](img/drex_bullet_8.png) Gender
Enter the gender of the new user here.
![9](img/drex_bullet_9.png) Salutation
Enter the salutation of the new user here.
![10](img/drex_bullet_10.png) E-mail
Enter the e-mail address of the new user here.
![11](img/drex_bullet_11.png) Phone number
Enter the (company) phone number of the new user here.
![12](img/drex_bullet_12.png) Fax number
Enter the fax number of the new user here.
![13](img/drex_bullet_13.png) Cell phone number
Enter the cell phone number of the new user here.
![14](img/drex_bullet_14.png) Password
Enter the password for a new user here. The password applies to both EZ-web and EZ-catalog. NB: the password is case sensitive!
![15](img/drex_bullet_15.png) Last log on
The date this user was last logged in to EZ-catalog.
![16](img/drex_bullet_16.png) Logged on
The total amount of log ons of this user in EZ-catalog.
![17](img/drex_bullet_17.png) Notifications
Currently not in use.
![18](img/drex_bullet_18.png) Notification interval
Currently not is use.
![19](img/drex_bullet_19.png) User interface language
Using this pull down menu the language of the user interface in EZ-catalog can be selected. The menu options, buttons, screen descriptions, field descriptions and error messages will subsequently be shown in this language. This will modify the interface language of both EZ-web and EZ-catalog.
![20](img/drex_bullet_20.png) OK button
The information entered will be saved.
![21](img/drex_bullet_21.png) Cancel button
The information entered will not be saved.