
Edit user information

In this screen a limited amount of user information, such as password and language settings, can be edited. Modifications in information mentioned below will also be adjusted in EZ-catalog. An exception is described under "Language".
In EZ-catalog more information can be managed. Find information here.
Edit user information can be found in EZ-web -> Home, top right in the pull down menu behind the user name -> 'Edit user information'.
Edit user information
Please note that if the first name, infix and last name are changed in this screen, the old name will remain visible in the top right corner.
It will only be updated after an overnight sync. 


1. Surname
Here enter your surname, starting with an upper ase letter.


2. Infix
Here you could enter an infix in lower case letters, for example 'van'.

Last name

3. Last name
Here enter your last name, starting with an upper case letter.


4. Salutation
Here enter the correct salutation in lower case letters, for example 'mr.' or 'mrs.'.

Phone number

5. Phone number
Here enter your (company) phone number.

Fax number

6. Fax number
Here you could enter your fax number.

Cell phone number

7. Cell phone number
Here you could enter your cell phone number.


8. Password
Here the password can be changed. This password counts for EZ-web as well as EZ-catalog.


9. Language
Using this pull down menu, the 'Flag selects also user interface language' and the language flags, in the top bar all language settings can be managed.
Two languages can be set:
Data language
This is the language of the article data displayed in EZ-web.
The language flags and 'Flag selects also user interface language' box will only be available if these languages are at use for the logged on contact.
However, suppliers can manage their data in many more languages. When exporting all entered languages can be selected. Please contact EZ-base in case the available languages need to be adjusted.
Note: it can occur that not all data is present in the available languages. This data will be displayed in Dutch as in the EZ-base classification and normalized features.
User interface language
This is the language the menu, buttons, screen descriptions, field descriptions and error messages are presented in EZ-web. At the moment only Dutch, English and French are available (regardless the data languages available for the logged in contact).

Flag selects also user interface language

10. Flag selects also user interface language
using the language flags will select both data language and user interface language. When checked, the 'User interface language' pull down will not be visible anymore: this language will now also be selected by the language flag. The language selected by the flag will only be changed in EZ-web. If you would like to change the language in EZ-catalogue as well, you can do so in 'Select language'.
Note: do not use this option if it is desired to set the data language and interface language differently. This could occur if for example the Italian data has to be checked: Italian is not available as interface language.
Not checked:
the language flag will only select the data language. Only when this box is not checked will the pull down 'User interface language' appear which can be used to select the user interface language for both EZ-web and EZ-catalog.
Data language and user interface language can be selected differently.


11. Save
The modifications will be saved and applied immediately.


12. Cancel
The modifications will not be saved.