Using this pull down menu it is possible to modify a couple of system management issues.
NB: the 'Log on as' option is only available and visible to EZ-base employees.
Settings can be found in EZ-web -> 'Home', top right in the pull down menu behind the user name.
Clicking the arrow will open the pull down menu containing settings.
 Download EZ-catalog
The page below will open:
Then choose the "Download" button at the bottom left: this will download the EZ-catalog application. A short cut will be placed on your desk top. EZ-catalog is the application in which you can manage your article data.
Inlog to access this application are the same as inlog for EZ-web. Find Log on to EZ-web.
Find here the most common causes for installation problems.
 Edit user information
 Data language
Here you can select the data language: it concerns the language in which the article data are displayed in EZ-web. At this time data can only be displayd in Dutch or French. However, multiple languages can be chosen when exporting.
The data language can also be selected by clicking the flags in the top of the screen.
Do not confuse the data language with the user interface language. Find information on this subject in Edit user information.
 Log off
Here you can log off.