Manual import

Linking can be accomplished through an ArtLink.xml or ArtLink.txt import that contains data from the own system. The ArtLink.txt is an old format whicht is still supported. This .txt format is a limited version of the complete ArtLink cycle and contains fewer items than the .xml format.
It is preferable to use the .XML format; this contains more possibilities to import own information.
Make sure that the ArtLink file to be imported is a complete delivery, because the ArtLinks will be completely rebuilt in EZ-web based on this import (it is a full import).
Both unzipped and .zip files can be uploaded.
Manual import of an Artlink file can be found in EZ-web, at the top in the main menu 'Artlink', then right at the bottom the button Import...
In addition to the option below to import the ArtLink manually, it can also be scheduled as a task.
Find here for the most common causes when the ArtlLink import fails.
Find here you can find a file with the extended information on ArtLink import and export.
Manual import

Choose file

1. Choose file
By clicking this button the desired file can be retrieved from your own network environment.


2. Import
Start the artlink import. This button can only be chosen if a file is selected under 1.
It may happen that the Import button is temporarily disabled:
  • Various processes take place both in the evening and at night. For example, changes made in EZ-catalog are synchronised with EZ-web. To ensure that these processes run as smoothly and efficiently as possible, it is not possible to import an art link during these processes. Any previously started artlink import can also be aborted for this reason.
  • During disruptions or maintenance, importing an artlink may be undesirable.
    Once the important evening and night processes have been completed, faults resolved or maintenance work done, the button becomes available again.