Added_Modified is the second tab of the pre-check for the article import.
It shows per article what is added and changed. The tab is empty if these differences are not found.
Note: if after the pre-check it appears that the import file needs to be corrected, always make these adjustments in the import file itself and then check the import file again.
Do not use this tab to adjust and read in, because this tab only shows differences. This can have unwanted consequences when importing, such as loss of data.
The pre-check can be started under tab Assortment, Article management, Import, then choose the Check File button.
The first three columns and the colours of the cells are explained in points 1 to 3.
For the meanings of the other columns, see the description of the article port (Chapter 4).
The columns 'Add', 'Mod', 'U-L', 'Own article number', 'Article name' and 'ERP description' are always present.
The other columns are only present if there is at least one article, where something has been added or changed in this column.
This column shows the total number of additions per article.
There are several types of additions that are counted in this column:
1. The first step is to check which articles are in the import file but not in the database. These articles will be included in this tab. All cells filled in the import file are considered new and therefore reported, coloured green and added together (a complete Columnset counts as 1). This addition can easily be distinguished from the addition explained under the following points: only with an added article the Own Article number will be coloured green.
In this example Own article number '10309new' is a new article.
2. The pre-check then compares all fields listed under Columns in the Statistics tab. Each cell in the import file (if the corresponding column is present) is compared with the corresponding field in the database. If the field in the import is filled, but empty in the database, the data will be enriched. The article will be included in this tab, and the cell in question will be coloured green. In the example, a specification footer has been added. There may be several such additions to a single article. Each addition is counted separately.
For example, if there is a Specification footer, a Brand and Kind added, it will be counted as 3.
3. Then the pre-check starts with sets. If by reading this import file a Column set (as described in the Statistics tab) will be added in its whole to an existing article, it will be listed in this tab. All fields filled in the database for the Column set in question will be displayed and coloured green.
In the example, for example, a reference and an image are added (framed in red):
All fields belonging to one Column set as described in the Statistics tab are counted together as one addition.
In this example a Headerset + Headerset additinal is added on line 3. This is counted as 2 additions.
This column shows the total number of changes per article (including the capital changes).
There are several types of changes that are counted in this column:
1. The pre-check starts with comparing the fields listed under Columns in the Statistics tab. If a field is filled both in the import and in the database, but uneven, and it concerns more than one capital change, the article will be included in this tab. The cell in question will be coloured dark yellow. In the example, the article name has been changed. There may be several such changes to a single article. Each addition is counted separately.
For example, if a Specification footer, a Fire and Child has been changed, it will be counted as 3.
2. The pre-check then compares the components of the Column sets as described in the Statistics tab.
If parts of a column set in the import file change with respect to the database, this is a change of the set.
The article will be included in this tab and the cells that change with respect to the database will be colored dark yellow.
If there are more changes of this kind per set, they will be counted as one per Column set.
The following set changes are possible:
a. If a part of a column set is filled in the import, but in the database, the corresponding field is empty or changed. This is shown as a dark yellow cell, filled with the value from the import file. See example below, framed in blue: the description of the asset will be filled with this value after the import.
b. If a part of a column set in the import is empty but the corresponding field in the database is filled: there is impoverishment. This is shown as an empty dark yellow cell. See example below, framed in red: the description of the asset will be empty after the import.
3. the capital letter changes (U-L) are added, see below.
In this example, there are a total of 3 changes, 1 of which is a capital change.
This column shows the total number of fields per article where import and database are the same, but where at least one of the letters is changed from upper to lower case or from lower to upper case. The cell in question will be coloured light yellow, as in the example below:
Only fields in which a capital change is actually saved after import are shown here. Therefore uppercase changes to, for example, file names (such as Logo or Image1...x) will not be reported.