
Collective name for additional information that can be saved. An asset can be linked to an article group or an article. An asset can consist of various information, such as images, logos, URLs, icons or videos. Per article group and article, 0, 1 or more assets can be stored per category.
For a detailed explanation of assets, click here.
For a daily updated overview of all categories per asset type in Excel format: click here
A description can be saved for each asset. This is shown as a tooltip in EZ-web for all asset types (e.g. on the article detail page). An exception is the asset type URL, where it is shown instead of the URL itself, which is much clearer. The description can also be used for information purposes in e.g. web shops. 
Filling the description can help achieve higher results in search engines and get the article displayed better on (external) websites. Click here for tips on how to fill this optimally.
Click here for managing assetdescriptions.
It is also possible to import the descriptions.