Expired article

Expired is a status that indicates something about the availability of an article:
an article is set to expired by a supplier if this article is no longer sold, this article is no longer part of this supplier's assortment.
If all articles in an article group are set to expired, the entire article group expires.
An article can be set to expire in EZ-catalog in the following places:
1. via Article Import by entering "End-of-life" in the Availability column.
2. in Manage article groups this can be indicated per article.
An expired article is visible in EZ-web and EZ-catalog and can also be exported in various exports if the option "Include expired articles" is selected.
If an expired article does not appear in any Artlink for more than 6 weeks, it is assumed that this article is no longer needed in our customers' webshops and the expired article will be automatically cleaned during night-time processing. This includes not only the most recent Artlink import but all saved Artlink imports whose import reports are visible here.
Exceptions to this are a customer's own articles, which are never automatically cleaned.
Is it an explicit wish not to have your expired items automatically deleted? If so, please contact us. It will then be set up to retain your expired items.