
The table below contains all the information on this data evaluation subject:
Description in online Dashboard
Sum of "Number" (i.e., not "Unique Number") in all lines in the "Icons" table (see Assets tab)
The sum of all icons linked to articles (all assets of the AssetImplementationType Icon added together) plotted against all articles classified in a classification where an icon is mandatory (see Classification tab).
The result is the percentage of icons linked to articles where an icon is mandatory.
At least as many icons are present as articles in classifications where this is mandatory.
Method to achieve maximum score
1. Export the overview EZ-base classification and look up in which classifications an icon is mandatory (IconRequired=True)...
2. Export the overview Asset categories and filter on AssetImplementationType=Icon
3. In EZ-Catalog, go to Assortment tab, Export
4. Create a default export with the checkbox "Default including classification" and "Include expired items" checked.
5. Remove all columns except: Own article number, Classification level 1/2/3/4 and all Icon columns (i.e. also IconDescription and IconCategory).
6. In the classifications in which an icon is mandatory, Icons must appear with a category from one of the rules filtered in point 2. If this is not the case, complete the Icon and IconCategory columns.
Also fill IconDescription directly for an even higher data rating (see topic Assets with Description, Icons).
7. Continue to follow the instructions in the "Quick Start" page.