Transpose/transfer table / Undo transpose/transfer table

If in an article group too many features are besides each other it's not possible to publish this in a catalogue. In case there are still too many features after merging or moving to specfield, this can be solved by transposing the table.
Usually the features are displayed next to each other, in columns. In case one chooses to transpose, the features will be displayed vertically, in rows.
NB: transpose table can only be done for machines.
By right-clicking in the edit screen, an edit bar will appear which contains the transposing possibilities.
Transpose/transfer table / Undo transpose/transfer table

Transpose/Transfer table / Undo transpose/transfer table

Transpose table
Activating this application will display the features underneath each other instead of next to each other.
Undo transpose
Undo application mentioned above.
Reset all settings
All settings and modifications will be reset confirming the previous display.
This application is available to EZ-base employees only.