This screen provides an overview of (data) suppliers and purchasing organization participating in EZ-base (for convenience, the following narrative will refer to suppliers only).
Which suppliers are shown in this tab depends on the logged-in user. A supplier is only shown:
- if the supplier operates in the same country as the relation to which the logged-in user belongs.
- If the supplier has data available in the chosen
data language of the logged in user.
There may be no authorization for certain suppliers. The supplier is then visible but the button is colored light gray. This is further explained below in points 4 and 5.
Suppliers can be found in EZ-web -> Suppliers tab.
 Search bar
Here enter a key word, for example supplier name, article name, article number or article GTIN. After entering or clicking the 'Search button', this key word will be searched in all underlying tabs. By opening the tab concerned you can view that search result.
In the Suppliers tab, after entering or clicking the 'Search button', only the suppliers will be displayed that match the key word or supplies products that match the key word.
Note! A search term on this tab must contain 3 characters or more. A search with 1 or 2 characters is considered a wrong search (the search will take too much time): no results will be found.
The path shows what steps are taken to reach the current screen. Clicking Home the home page will open and all key words and filters are erased.
Pull-down menu that allows selection of sorting order of suppliers.
When the Export button is clicked, a menu appears where the following export formats can be selected:
The data found on the various tabs of the dashboard (see there for explanation of the columns in the export) can be exported horizontally for all suppliers with this button. Click here for an example.
Data evaluations
This button exports the data evaluations of all suppliers horizontally. Read a detailed explanation of this export format here.
In these export formats, all suppliers are exported that are currently visible in this screen (a selection can also be made first using the search field).
The exports contain only suppliers for which the logged-in user is authorized and for which items are present (where the button has a white background, see also next point).
From this screen the dashboard data and data evaluation will always be exported horizontally. Click here for an example.
It is also possible to export the dashboard data of data evalution vertically. To do so, go to the dashboard by clicking on a supplier button (only if the button has a white background).
 Supplier buttons
The suppliers participating in EZ-base are shown as a supplier button. Clicking on a button opens the dashboard of the supplier in question.
If a button has a light gray background:
- then the logged in user is not authorized to see (a selection of) article groups from this supplier.
- then the logged in user is not authorized because preferred suppliers have been set and for the logged in user this supplier is not a preferred supplier.
- then no items are present yet for these suppliers (but price list or promotion).
The dashboard cannot be opened and these suppliers will also not appear in the supplier exports.
 Data Evaluation
Supplier data quality expressed in stars, Read all about data evaluation here .