Supplier article number or own article number not found...Error:
The article number {0} of the supplier with GLN {1} or the own article number {2} cannot be found.
In some cases, an article selection is required that is determined outside of the export from EZ-web, for example in order to make proofs of certain articles.
This can be imported as a catalogue selection. Such a selection is made at the article level. Within an article group, for example, certain articles can be included or excluded.
The article numbers in the ArticleNumber column must be existing article numbers at the named supplier.
And the article numbers in the OwnArticleNumber column must be existing article numbers for the relation in question.
If there are non-existing article numbers in one or both columns, this error message will be displayed.
Make sure that the columns ArticleNumber and OwnArticleNumber only contain existing article numbers.
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