
Missing available articles

The table below contains all the information on this data evaluation subject:
Description in online Dashboard
"Missing available articles" in General tab.
The number of unique articles that do appear in one or more price lists but do not appear in the available articles, plotted against to the total number of unique articles in price list (see also General tab) (in the chosen data language by the logged in user).
Result of the calculation is the percentage of unique articles in price list for which no extended article information is available.
All price list articles occur in available articles.
(0%: there are no missing available articles)
Method to achieve maximum score
1. In EZ catalog, go to assortment tab, Export.
2. Create an export with the following settings: Column collection: "Default", "Catalogue/price list differences list" and "Including expired articles" checked.
3. Sort by the green highlighted lines.
4. Complete these lines.
5. Continue to follow the instructions in the "Quick Start" page.