Manage articles it is possible to manage a general specification, which will suffice in most cases. This is also the specification that is displayed in EZ-web.
Besides this, deviating specifications for particular purposes can also be managed in EZ-catalog. These particular specification viewings require a specification type. For example, especially for producing a catalogue or representation in a web shop. These specification types can be managed here.
Specification types can be managed in the Management tab -> 'Manage specification types'.
![1](img/drex_bullet_1.png) Management tab
In the ‘Management’ tab one can manage the different elements of their organization.
![2](img/drex_bullet_2.png) Manage specification types button
Using this button the different specification types can be managed.
![3](img/drex_bullet_3.png) Search bar
Enter a search term to find a specification type in the specification types present.
![4](img/drex_bullet_4.png) Add specification type button
Find information on adding specification types here.
![5](img/drex_bullet_5.png) Remove specification type button
Using this button a particular specification type can be removed. A specification type can only be removed in case the selected specification type is not in use.
![6](img/drex_bullet_6.png) Modify specification type
A specification type can be modified by double clicking it. Find information on it here.