
Show details ArtLink records

A list can be showed or exported per matching step.
The complete delivered file.
Not matched
Articles that are in no way matched.
Matched to supplier by article number
Articles that are matched by supplier GLN and supplier article number.
Matched to supplier by GTIN
Articles that are matched by supplier GLN and supplier GTIN (EAN product code).
Matched to own article by article number
Articled that are matched by own GLN and own article number.
Matched to supplier by manufacturer article number
Articles that are matched to supplier by manufacturer GLN** and manufacturer article number.
Matched to supplier by manufacturer GTIN
Articles that are matched to supplier by manufacturer GLN** and manufacturer GTIN.
Matched to manufacturer by article number
Articles that are matched to supplier by manufacturer GLN** and manufacturer article number.
Matched to relation by only GTIN
Articles that are matched to supplier by GTIN.
Matched to manufacturer by GTIN
Articles that are matched to supplier by manufacturer GTIN.
Matched to price list by article number
Articles that are matched solely to the price list by supplier GLN and supplier article number*.
Matched to price list by GTIN
Articles that are matched solely to the price list by supplier GLN and supplier GTIN*.
Matched to price list by only GTIN
Articles that are solely matched to price list* by GTIN.
Overview per supplier***
In case synonyms are entered in the ArtLink (only possible in XML-format), one can find an overview here.
Related articles
In case related articles**** are entered in the ArtLink (only possible in XML-format), one can find an overview here.
Link price list: NB: these articles cannot be used for publication in catalogues and web site/shop.
Articles that are represented by a manufacturer that has been assigned a distinctive supplier GLN by the supplying party of the product data (for example a merchant).
Explanation at the bottom of this page.
Related articles are links between articles that are related to each other (for example sanding machine and sanding sheets).
Compared with previous import:
In case this says 'No', the entire ArtLink file has been processed, regardless of the imported ArtLinks are different from previous imports.
In case this says 'Yes', only the differences compared with the previous imports are processed. The report only considers the processed differences. By clicking 'Show import', the last full import will be displayed.
Supplier overview:
Here, an overview is displayed of suppliers (in case of a correct GLN the right name of the supplier will be showed as well) of which the wholesaler has entered an article in the ArtLink.
Total number of searched articles at this supplier.
Articles matched through the matching cycle as described above.
Not matched
These articles are not matched through the matching cycle as described above.
All three functionalities can be clicked and viewed. Also, an export can be made, which will generate an Excel format. This can be exported at ‘Tasks’ -> ‘Current tasks’.
Besides this, one can see how an article is matched. To do so, click the number in the column concerned.
This screen provides insight in what items the article data, coming from your own ERP software system, is matched to or not matched to.
Articles that are not matched can be adjusted in your own system.