Remarks in Formalize screen
In the Formalize screen of an article group, the remark will open automatically in case it is declared active. In case it is not declared active, one also finds a 'Remark' button here through which the remark can be viewed, entered or edited.
To view, edit and/or remove remarks, one can double click the concerned article line. Here you subsequently choose the 'Formalize' and 'Remarks' applications. The following screen will open.
 Remarks button
This button allows you to view and/or edit the content of the remark at he concerned article group.
 Remarks field
In this screen one can view, edit or delete the remark (delete the text).
In case the button 'Reject classification' is used, this article group will transfer to the workflow in ' Classification rejected'.
This button may only be used whenever a remark is entered and the classification of this article group is not already rejected. If this is the case, the button will be disabled (one is not able to use it).