
Clicking this button will provide an overview of all article groups that contain a remark and the corresponding remarks. These can be exported to Excel.
The full remark will open by double clicking the article group line.
The 'Remark' buttons will turn red in the article group screen and formalize screen and show an exclamation mark whenever a remark is active.
A remark can only be appointed to an article group. In case the remark concerns a specific article within that group, the article number will have to be mentioned in the text field.
Each article group only has 1 remark field. Responding to existing remarks can be done within the same screen.
No notification is sent whenever a remark is added or edited, you can solely view it by using the 'Remarks' button, the article group screen or formalize screen.
You can view remarks in the Assortment tab -> 'Remarks'.

Assortment tab

1. Assortment tab
In the ‘Assortment’ tab one can submit, process, classify and edit article data, and publish it in EZ-catalog.

Remarks button

2. Remarks button
Clicking this button will show you the list of articles that contain a remark.

Search bars

3. Search bars
Here you can search for an article group containing a remark by article number, title, specification or remark.


4. Overview
Overview of all article groups that contain a remark.
Double clicking will open this screen.

Exporteren knop

5. Exporteren knop
This will export all article groups from the list including remarks to an Excel file.


6. Status
Here you can select active or inactive remarks.