Article relations can be assigned at article line level. Here new article relations can be added or deleted.
It is also possible to define the type of relationship. Also, the order of the related articles can be determined.
To access your related articles you start at the Assortment tab and proceed to ‘Management’. Here, you double click the article group concerned and subsequently double click the article line concerned (bottom) and the 'Edit' button.
Overview of all presently related articles.
 New article relation button
This button allows a selection to be made of the articles that are to be related to this article. All possible articles to be linked appear after starting this application.
A new article relation will automatically be created as:
relation type 'Accessory optional'. This can be changed in the overview by clicking on this relation type: it will change in a pulldown menu.
an order (Position): it will be placed at the end of the list. This can be adjusted using the order buttons or Import related articles.
A new related article is confirmed after clicking the 'OK button'.
 Delete button
This button deletes the relation to the selected article.
The Delete button will only be clickable in case one line is selected in the overview.
Deleting must be confirmed by the 'OK button'.
 Order buttons
These buttons can be used to change the order of the related articles. This is the order that is published on EZ-web. This is also the order that is exported.
When opening the overview, the saved order is shown.
The order buttons are only clickable in case one line is selected in the overview.
The order modifications are saved after clicking the 'OK button'. Order modifications will not be saved in case the 'Cancel button' is clicked.
NB: when editing the order, solely use the order buttons and click 'OK'. Do not sort the column headers during this process: the result can be unpredictable.
 OK button
This button finalizes all modifications. This concerns:
adding a related article
deleting a related article
order modifications (using the order buttons)
The 'OK button' is only clickable in case at least one of the actions above has been executed.
 Cancel button
This button will close the screen without any modifications: additions, removals and order modifications are not saved.