The screen below contains publications that are made available digitally in EZ-base by making them browsable. Is your catalogue not included? Please
contact EZ-base for the possibilities.
In each publication the products are linked to the article data in EZ-web. This way it is possible to browse from the catalogue to the
article detail page in EZ-web.
Multiple publications may occur per relation.
Whether a publication is visible, it depends on:
Start and end date availability which is set in
Whether the publication is available in the chosen
data language.
Whether it is available for the country where you trade.
Whether there is authorisation for at least one article from EZ-web that is linked to an article in the publication (exception to this is the relation of which the publication is: it also shows a publication without links).
Publications can be found in EZ-web -> Publications tab.
 Search bar
Here enter a key word, for example the name of the relation, article name, article number of GTIN. After entering or clicking 'Search', this key word will be searched in all underlying tabs. Opening the tab concerned, the corresponding search result can be viewed.
In the Publications tab searching will be done based on article links in the publications (please find Publication for information on article link). In case the key word entered is present in a publication, this publication will be displayed here.
For example: by searching 'landmeter', three publications appear.
Clicking one of these publications will show the pages in which the article links to 'landmeter' can be found.
Note! A search term on this tab must contain 3 characters or more. A search with 1 or 2 characters is considered a wrong search (the search will take too much time): no results will be found.
The path shows what steps are taken to reach the current screen. Clicking Home the home page will open and all key words and filters are erased.
 Publication buttons
Every available publication will be displayed as a publication button. Clicking a button will open the corresponding publication.
 Emed button