

On this tab page participants of EZ-base can place all desired promotions. Interested? Please contact EZ-base and ask for the possibilities.
Promotions can be found under EZ-web -> Promotions tab.

Search bar

1. Search bar
Enter your search (the name or commercial text of the promotion, the name of the supplier or GLN-number). After enter of by clicking the "Search" button, the entered value will be searched in all tab pages. By opening the concerning tab the search result can be viewed.

Promotions tab

2. Promotions tab
Each customer (wholesaler/buyer) has acces in the web environment of EZ-base to the "Promotions" tab. Suppliers also see this tab, but a supplier can never see the promotions of other suppliers.
The logos and names of suppliers which have a promotion available will be shown here. Of course only if this promotion is set available for the concerning wholesaler/buyer and no authorisation is set for this promotion.

Supplier logo

3. Supplier logo
By clicking the suppliers logo (note: name is not clickable), you can see which promotions are available. You can view a promotion by clicking it. If files and/or images are uploaded, you can download them here.