In this screen de required fields can be filled for a new promotion. An existing promotion can be adjusted with this screen.
Promotion can be found in the tab page e is te vinden in het tabblad Management -> Promotions -> Add promotion or double click on a existing promotion.
The name of the promotions, this will be shown as title on EZ-web (obligatory).
 Effective date
The effective date of the promotion. As of this date, the promotion will be visible in EZ-web.
 End date
The day after the end date, your promotion will automatically be set off line in EZ-web and will no longer be visible.
The end date is a "up to and include" date. A promotion with effective date 13-1-2019 and end date 13-1-2019 shall therefore be visible for one day.
Note: with a default promotion, an effective and end date cannot be entered.
Note: with a non-default promotion, an end date has to be filled. If this date is empty, the promotion will not be visible in EZ-web.
 Commercial text
The commercial text of the promotion (optional). Keep the number of lines limited for it to be accessible on one page on EZ-web.
Note: a new promotion without a commercial text and assets will not be visible in EZ-web.
In the commercial text markup is allowed: it can be added in this editor. Read here (section Markup in editors) all about markup text, the rules that apply here, the cleaning that takes place and the behaviour of the editor.
 Default promotion
Checked: this promotion will be shown as first in the online overview on EZ-web.
Note: with a default promotion you cannot enter an effective or end date or add assets.
Note: there can only be óne default promotion. If this is checked at one promotion, this field will automatically be deselected with all the other promotions.
Not checked: this promotion will be shown under a possible Default promotion on effective date (young - old) in EZ-web.
With the help of this button, images, documents and logos can be added to the promotion that will subsequently be shown on EZ-web. Let op: Assets kunnen pas toegevoegd worden nadat de promotie eerst is opgeslagen.
Click here for the explanation about Assets.
It is advized to always add at least one image to the promotion. This because a prominent place is reserved for this in the build up of the promotion page. Furthermore, the image will also appear in the overview of the active promotions per supplier (as thumbnail). Is an image missing, the EZ-base logo will be displayed.
If multiple images are added, the first image will be used as thumbnail.
Note: a new promotion without commercial text and assets will not be visible in EZ-web.