Merge features

Whenever a large number of features is present, that may cause an inconvenient display on web sites or in catalogues. By merging the features this will become more clear. For example: length, width, height can be merged and displayed as e.g. lxwxh.
To merge features you can go to the article group by double clicking the article line concerned. Here you subsequently select the applications ‘Formalize’ and ‘Merge’. The following screen will open.
Merge features

Merge features button

1.  Merge features button
Using this button feature merges can be applied and managed.

Reset button

2. Reset button
In one click, this button will reset all merges to the previous situation.


3. Translations

Working field

Separation mark
Enter the mark you wish to appear in the display to separate the merged features
Enter the name you would like to appoint to the merge
Merge features
In case multiple features need to be displayed in one feature, this application will select and merge those features. NB: this application only concerns a display function, the features will always remain independently in the submission and search possibilities in EZ-base.
Reset merged feature "..."
This resets this specific merge
Reset all merged features
This resets all merges
By clicking a feature and moving them using the arrow keys, the feature concerned will be moved to the left or right.