Import ETIM classes

In order to import ETIM classes, an import file can be submitted. In the screen below an import file can be selected and imported.
Find an explanation and solution for the errors that might occur during an import here.
For an article group to be assigned an ETIM class it is not necessary to submit all article numbers that are submitted in EZ-catalog. For each group 1 article number will suffice. It is possible to submit multiple article numbers, as long as all article numbers in the article group are assigned tot the same ETIM class. If this is not the case, an error message will appear on the line concerned in the Excel file. Editing an ETIM class is also not possible.
In case a file is imported that already contains an ETIM class, an error message will appear on the line concerned in the Excel file.
ETIM classes can be imported in the Assortment tab -> 'Import ETIM classes'.
Import ETIM classes
The correct import format for the ETIM classes consists of an 'Article number' column and an 'Etim class' column.
Article number
Etim class
Example of an error message:
Article number
Etim class
Error message
ETIM class with this name not found.


1. Language
Here the language in which the ETIM classes will be imported can be selected.

Select and import file

2. Select and import file
Here an import file can be selected for import.


3. Close
This button will close the screen.