Illegal split of article group {0}Error:
Illegal split of article group {0}.
Articles are grouped together in the database. For each group the Article name, Specification header, Specification footer, Brand and Kind are the same for all articles in the group. If one of these articles changes, it must change for all articles in the group or the group must be split into two or more other groups. If one of the articles changes, but not all articles in the group are included in the import file, an error message is displayed.
Include all articles of the group of articles to be changed in the import file or split the group in such a way that all articles of the new group are included in the import file.
In the Wrong image: In the database there are also articles A313211 and A313212 in the article group 1267979, but these are not included in the import file. The database contains a different value for the mentioned articles for Article name, Specification header, Specification footer, Brand and/or Kind.
In the Right Image: all articles from the group are included in the import file.
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