See Translations for the recommended procedure concerning translations.
Always start with exporting the translations. By doing so, the columns are already filled and only missing and incorrect translations will have to be entered.
With this screen translation files can be exported in EZ-catalog per label ( label type) per language in an Excel format.
Depending on the chosen options, two export formats are possible (for an explanation see point 3):
unique translations. For an expample file click here.
non unique translations. For an example file click here.
Export translations can be found under the Management tab -> 'Export translations'
Here the language can be chosen with which the column Translations will be exported. Multiple languages can be selected. Default is set on all languages: these are the languages that are active in the account of the supplier, the default language not included. For each selected language a seperate Excel file is made.
 Per label type
If this option is checked a seperate Excel file is made for each selected label type.
If this option is unchecked (default) all selected label types will be merged in one file. This is only possible if the option 'Unique translations' is checked.
 Unique translations
The choice made at this option affects the export format.
If this option is unchecked (non unique translations) a seperate line is beïng exported for each present translation. Other columns will also be exported. Example: if a feature-value red is present with ten articles, there will be ten lines in the export.
Click here for an example file and explanation of the columns.
This option can only be unchecked if the option 'Per label type' is checked.
If this option is checked ( unique translations: default) translations that occur multiple times per label type will be exported in one line. Translations will only be merged if the column Original as well as the column Translation are exactly the same. The capitol use also has to be identical. Example:
If there are ten feature values where black is translated as noir, one line will be exported with black-noir. If black is translated with noir five times and five time with Noir, there will be 2 lines in the export: black-noir and black-Noir. If black and dark both are translated with noir there will be 2 lines in the export: black-noir and dark-noir.
Click here for an example file and explanation of the columns.
 To be translated
If this option is checked (default) only missing translations will be exported (column Translation is empty).
If this option is unchecked, the filled as well as missing translations will be exported.
 Translate automatically
This option is checked by default. For each line where the translation (column Translation) is empty, there will be searched if for this Original (capitol sensitive) a translation is already available in the concerning language within the same label type ( expired and deleted articles will also be taken in consideration) for this supplier. If a translation is found, it will be put in the column Translation. if multiple translations are found, the translation that occurs the most will be chosen.
 Expired articles included
If this option is unchecked (default) translations that are linked to expired articles will not be included in the export.
 label types:
Here you enter what kind of field (l abel types) is beïng exported in the columns Original and Translation.
You can choose to export one, more, or all label types by checking the concerning label types or by checking the upper checkbox to select them all at once.
For the explanation of the different fields, click here.
Start the export of the translation file.
The file name starts with the customers name, followed by the language of the column Original: this is the default language code (usually nl-nl) of the contact. Then follows the language of the column Translation.
If there is beïng exported per label type, this will be mentioned in the file name.
The file name ends with date and time.
Example: EZ-base_nl-NL_fr_Artikl kinds_16102018_132145.xlsx
With exporting multiple files, they will be exported in a Zip file.
You close the screen with this button.